I remember meeting Bea at fisrt and then Carolina and forming the foundations of our very large group; it was walking to Diego Marín under the sun talking about anime and singing ‘’El pollo’’ in our Novatadas, with Carolina terribly drunk running around, Bea having her ensaimada being eaten and me just having fun covered in flour, wine, dirt and god knows what else. It was that feeling of atrting something, of studying things I like, of being used to the animal corpses already, the knowledge that this is the first step to achieving one of my greatest goals in life: being a vet.
Time passed and soon Lidia, Laura, Lilly and Edu came into the group, along with JL and Willy (although these last two wouldn’t be so present in the group after some time). It was novemeber, I think, going to Molecular Biology in the evenings with them and going to the very empty cafeteria afterwards, laughing with the bartenders and listening to our own music, Lady of the Sunshine in winter evenings and Venecia sung by me and Carolina. We were a small, happy pack; we had fun in our anatomy practices, naming all the animal skulls (Sombra Gris, Jingle and bells, Bobby and Percy). We had surpassed our initial shyness and were happy with each other.
That was also the time Alma came in, a stranger in our tribe, and so at first we shunned her quite a lot. Silly us, silly me. I remember she pointing out my Soul Eater badge and her, ‘’eres friki??’’ question, which was the start of everything (without us knowing). There was also going to Lilly’s at night to be with Laura, Lidia and Caroli
And well, we reached our vacations with a lot of work to do for the Jan-Feb exams but still very happy on my part. Christmas in Campo was great as always; I’m not gonna write it all over again, there’s an entry here somewhere.
January came then, with the start of the exam period. I came back to Murcia and spent a very fun week with sara in which we had dinner together every night, watching Samurai Champloo and screaming like Mugen around the hallways at 2 am on quests to get oreo cookies from the dispensing machine. Good times. After that I went to La Manga to study and had quite a bad time until the Bio exam with my parents; they’d panicked because of the failed anatomy tests and it was quite frustrating to have them doubt me with way, but oh well. I passed all my exams so it’s ok now. The best thing was being alone like I always do, living at night, drawing a lot while lazily studying, getting to know Yuu thorugh msn (we talked every night). The last day was especially good; I was walking to Lola’s house to help her with her maths test and it was Friday all over again, with that familiar silence I adore and the yellow streetlamps, and I realized suddenly why summer had been so bad for me. Why all the mood changes and feeling bad without really knowing the reason. I think it was the sudden change, even though desired, made me feel that way and also, like I hand’t properly said goodbye to La Manga. And so that wonderful 3 weeks between January and February were that goodbye I never had. I was standing still in tme dille of the street feeling Friday’s presence behind me and I was ready to start my uni life for real, to fly away. And it felt great.

Also, during the February exams Alma slowly became a part of the group; she and Bea had already begun to be friends, with their strange parties (just them two and JL) and one morning I added her on msn. We truly started to become friends at >Bea’s b-day party, a quite fun night where Edu became a sex idol with his hig-banging and we were all fascinated by Alma’s god-like speed at StepMania. I remember being tipsy and having a conversation on ninja cats with Lidia under the coffee table, lol. March went by slowly with exams and me, Bea and Alma slowly

Hmm. It feels great to be having a night for myself, here in la manga, with tea and soft music. It’s been a long time since I’ve done this. Anywho. The last week of march before Easter was surely one of the best; we were about to finish our last exams and were just happy and hyper, lol. The best day was on Friday; Catfish came by in the evening and we were together with Sara until night, when we all went out. The night started out at Alma’s house, singing anime songs and eating potato chips and cheap pizza, just us 3, alma and bea. After a while Lidia and Willy came as well with the drinks and I started consuming the cheap vodka bottle at an amazing speed. I got wasted pretty quick and it was quite fun; especially the moment when I was explaining to Alma just how sober I was and was suddeny distracted by the gotele in the ceiling (but noo, I wasn’t drunk). I can’t remember much of that night; just bits of Bea and me yelling NO!! and hitting people with a newspaper (seco y cortante, como la cruz del PSI!), dragging Alma around by her tie and calling he

After Easter I came back to Murcia feeling the old sadness and a tad of anxiety for leaving campo, but it soon passed. By some mutual, unsaid agreement me, Bea and Alma were always together, with Jl also staying with us a lot sometimes. I can’t remember much of that period; all I know is that it was us 3 becoming friends slowly but surely and also, the nemawashi! That was the day, I think, that me and Alma truly became friends. The previous night was JL and lidia’s b-day party, which we spent at juan luis’ house havign fun taking pics, drinking from lab tubes and it was also the first night I slept with Alma in the same bed (if only we’d known that was to become a habit). The next day david came to pick us up for the Nemawashi to cheer alma as she beat everyone’s asses at StepMania and I bought me a very cool naruto poster for my room. Afterwards me and alma went to Murcia and had a marvelous Merienda and I took pictures while we laughed and were just calmly chatting and having fun. We then went to see all the manga stroes and had quite a lof of fun seeing how people looked at us (me especially-Point!). All in all, a great day :D It was also in april that we tried filming my first short film, lol, which was actually a complete disaster; no one had learned the script, we were lacking time, we were inexperienced…lol. We ended up lazing around at Bea’s house, eating cheap pizza. April was the start of what we have now, really.
However, May has been, by far, the best month of my first year of uni life. the transition (30 April-1st May) was occupied by the SOS, a grat musical experience that i shall never forget! (huge blog entry for that as well). But, more importantly, May has been about getting to really know both Alma and Bea, in trusting each other as if we’d known each other all of our lives. It’s been spending every single fucking day together, at uni, me and alma telling each other all our past on one evening in the library, at my house because we can’t live apart anymore; having our ramen-movie night every Thursday, having fun cooking Udon while I beat Ganon’s ass, Bea sleeping ion the futon and me with Alma on the bed. One day I quite liked was the one I spent with Alma, first aro
My phone got stolen also!! Damn those fucking bitches!
One weekend Alma came with me to La Manga for a 4 wonderful days of chilling out as if it were summer. We took the bus on Thursday evening and arrived there at 8 or so, I think. We went directly to mom’s house to take Lucky for a walk and organize all my clothes and afterwards we headed to dad’s house for a nice dinner of bolognesa spaghetti and we watched Antique Bakery (second time for me), which we loved, lol. The next day (Friday) we got up early to go to the bank (through the beach) and have my new account fixed, after which we went to ‘’El cañonero’’ and spent the rest of the morning swimming in the freezing water, jumping from the cliffs, taking pics and listening to summer music. We went back with a bottle of cider and a bag of potato chips and went to pick my friends up at highschool (but all of them were pretty much busy and neither Diego nor Juan were there, lol). We then went back home to eat Grandma’s marvelous grilled chicken and an hour or so later mom picked us up to go shopping in Cartagena; w
last weekend was great as well; it started out with me and Alma going on Friday night t the Rendibu party, since I'd won a price for writing a story. We arrived early and got quite stared at by all the old people that were there (we were dressed as usual; our usual is no often acepted by society, and more so if we're acting gay, lol). Inside the place was filled with all the art that had reached the final stage; strange short-films, video-art, the stories (we only liked 1 of them and it
The next morning our leader woke us up and proposed to take us with david to pizzeria raloni (Suuper perreteeeeee), but we stayed in bed quite a while just cuddling. When we finally got up, we quickly got dressed in our rendibu t-shirts and went out to meet bea and David. After a failed trip to said Pizza-place (it was closed; you have failed us, super perrete!!) we decided to just go to McDonald's (where we had again that wonderful sundae). We were on
The next day I met eus and amrina (eus! almost a fucking year), who came to pick us up in a very classy mercedes; it was all very classy and VIP until Eus failed when he didn't know where the gas deposit was. LOOOOL. We laughed and chatted in Busquets having some tea, coffe and lazos (mmm) and I quite surprised myself because I missed Bea and Alma, even though i was with my life-long friends. We are waaay too attached, lol (and it's great).
Today (1st June) and I came back to Murcia for classes. I've spent the evening house-hunting with Belen and it was a really freaky evening; we first visited the agency from hell, filled with too skinny women that w
Put a banana in your eaaar (8)

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