miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2008

15 things

In response to BLAHOSAURUS:

1-When I'm in someplace or going somewhere and I'm listening to music, and the perfect song comes up, like it was made for that single moment, feeling a surge of what I consider true happiness for me, a second of my life with the biggest of smiles without caring who it might blind.

2-Waking up very early in the morning on a weekend, opening my shades and seeing it's going to be a rainy day, the feeling of just being me, those big, fat, ugly beautiful clouds and Regina Spektor.

3-The different ways people laugh.

4- Staying up all night with Marina and going to freeze while watching the sky get weird colours.

5-The idea of getting a glimpse of random people's memories and feelings that go with those memories (painted clouds, closing gates and rebirths)

6-Painting with my watercolours a huge mushi-shi drawing at 4 pm with all the sun hitting my side, listening to music, just me and my dog.

7-The different ways people have to get in and out of the water in the beach.

8-Eating a whole bucket of haagen-dazs in plain winter while shivering a LOT but still finishing it.

9-The thousands of special images that run through my mind when I listen to Ghibli.

10-Staring at the same drawing for hours, examining every little detail and being completely absorbed by it.

11-When I wake up from a dream, think ''I want to continue it'', fall asleep again and actually keep on with it!

12-The way a bird's feather changes into different colours with different light.

13-The way my dog is always trying to talk in that way of his.

14-Hysterical laughing fits you get at 5 in the morning with something extremely stupid.

15-Becoming part of a shiver song in a completely dark room.