Afterwards we went to david’s house, where we played with the cats and I took pictures of Alma and the punching bag while we waited for David to get off work. He took us home for a quick shower and then we all went out for dinner to a kebabb place; a friend of Bea’s, juan, also came along. The night ended well with a too sweet chocolate milkshake and a quiet trip back home.
On Saturday we got up early, got an adorable picnic basket and our bikinis on and set out for Pu clar. The trip was great, with Bea driving and listening to good music (Zelda, kaze ni naru, coldplay...). We got there at almost 12 and started the slow descent towards the mountain. It was a great place, truly; there were a series of small lakes connected to each other all over the side of a beautiful mountain filled with trees and greenery, pollen floating around everyhwre. We set our picnic under a huge fig-tree and went right into the freezing water. We swam around everywhere while I took photos, jumped off all the low and high cliffs (I hit myself real bad from the huge one, but it was still quite fun) and then had a wonderful meal that bea’s mom had prepared.
With our stomachs filled, we lay down in the sun while I listened to the Mushi-shi soundtrack, which was perfect for the scenery and it felt great, I really loved that little while. After that we decided to investigate some and ended up above our picnic place in a secluded are where I took a lot of very cool photos of a naked Bea between the leaves.
We came down and had a last swim and then took our leave, the trip spent in quiet listening to Colsplay’s Viva la vida CD.
We took our respective showers when we got home, me and Alma listening to music with her phone since the bathrooms were connected from above (and thank god, there was no shampoo in mine) and then david came by to take us to Mercadona so we could buy the ingredients for our super dinner. When we came back from shopping, all of Bea’s friends where there and we headed for the barbecue zone in the backyard. We were there until 1 or so, getting to know everyone, talking and laughing and listening to our super music list and eating the famous gachamiga, which I quite liked. Once we were done we went out to the Villena bars (the one we stayed in the most time was pretty cool and had good music) and, well, we got pretty wasted. Bea was totally drunk and was dancing around everywhere, and I wasn’t too sober either (Me ha gustado chuparle el dedo a la lider).
That night was quite bad; bea came back feeling very ill and I had spasms all night; poor alma almost didn’t sleep, since she decided to stay up all night watching over us.
Sunday morning we woke up to the wonderful smell of Bea’s mom’s wonderful food; we took a shower and had a great meal all together. After that we just lazed aroun in the couch and then in our ‘’room’’ in the basement until it was time for us to leave. I spent the whole car trip sleeping on Alma’s shoulder, lol. We left Alma first and then me at home for a lazy night (I was soo tired).
Another great weekend indeed! :D
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