Because Murcia is like that, it’s still February but it smells like May. It’s been a nice, sunny week, with summer heat tanning our skins. Me and my friends skip classes to go out into the sun, on the grass I watched with longing eyes on my first days here, thinking- I’ll come here when I have friends. Feels great to have small wishes granted. We sit in circles, tribes, packs, laughing about anything at all, me taking pictures like always, Sara dropping by, attracted to my purplish red hair that glints in the sun.

Wednesday was a particularly good day. I went to class on first period (seriously, wow. I never get up these days), but by third period we were bored out of our minds and went out into the sun, eating vinegar flowers and listening to summer music. After an hour and a half we went back to boring classes and when we got out at 5 o clock, I decided to get a bus to Murcia. Not used to going at that hour, with the light all different and orange, I listened to the ‘’Vicky Cristina Barcelona’’ OST and admired all the small Spanish details, remembering Granada and feeling a great love for this loud, sunny country. It really has a different taste I will never forget, wherever in the world me and Catfish may be.
And well, starting from the beginning, after Christmas ended I spent a very curious 2 weeks living here in Murcia during which Sara and I, missing the farm, ate dinner together every night, feeling extremely giddy at being together with a feeling of home. We watched anime, screamed in Japanese like Mugen running through the building at 3 am in a mission to get Oreo cookies and became closer than ever.
After that I went back to la Manga, where I spent 3 weeks of relaxed studying, painting, feeling good about being home, going to highschool to have funny conversations with Juan, who agve me 3 hugs per visit, because he’s like that, and having Diego smile in surprise at seeing me, both of us knowing all too well that I just can’t help going back to see him. I also saw Marini a lot, went to the beach for our traditional evenings talking about everything and nothing while eating potato chips and also meeting a strange but beautiful girl through msn, talking to her every day. She’s a curious person with a lot of quirks that I really liked getting to know. And of course, I went to the vet often, laughing all

Campo was also good, with beautiful pictures taken, kissing Filippo’s soft head and playing with all the dogs in the grass, taking walks with them and feeling incredibly great as the sun licked my skin on my walks with the pack. I really do love those animals.
And I think that’s pretty much it! I shall blog again after the Mono, Yo la Tengo and Ólafur Arnalds concerts, which will be greatgreatgreat!! :D
These are just ghosts that broke my heart before I met you
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