Wow, I haven't written in this shit for ages. Not that I really had time, all I fucking do is study like a crazy person. There were some good moments though, walking at night with Explosions in the sky in my ears, or through morning mist with Pioneer to the falls.
And then, Christmas! A good rest at home, even if it was cold and cloudy most of the time and had to freeze my ass off outside because of the lack of internet. It was good as always, with hysterical laughing at 8 in the morning, Marina and I spitting at each other because she can never wash her teeth normally when she's hyper.
It's good to say that some things never change, proven by long walks runn
ing towards the camera and perching ourselves on a tree, singing Zelda songs, just like always. Sometimes I feel so glad to be alive, I might die.
We also discovered the wonderful Ponc'tan, where the japanese shark attacked helpless Paloma (let's ignore the moment when the shark fell flat on her face into the green sea and had to be helped up). The day was cold, but my mind was warm. Also, club nintendo was very orange, since it was ours, and it gave a good feeling. Painting outside was also fun, pulling strange faces with Paloma, saying hi to sesshoumaru...good times. Also, there was dawn, running and screaming ''it's red, it's red!'' like crazy people.
Then there was shiver. The first song I described as a sort of hiding terror, like the ending of a scary movie, where you know the why of everything but the fear is still there, at the edge of your mind, looking at you. It was cold and perfect. Then, the last one...The beginning made me cry of fear, because the feelings, the madness it had in it, were...Marina described it perfectly as the earth's lament from a past war. It was a cry of something out of our reach. And also, Do You ever feel cursed, which sara described as

We also plunged into the freezing sea on 31 December, like we do every year, a piece of salty good luck for this year, which I think is going to be great. i've started optimistic; I'm changing myself a bit, new clothes, maybe change my hair, which is now purple. I'm going to fucking uni this year, I can't wait, and I want to feel confident of myself. I'll survive the first half of a lot of studying and working and then, summer comes, when me, marina, guille and sara will just grab the car, pack a few things and go on a trip until we either die of heat or run out of money, with no destination in particular. Just being free, with good music, the camera, ready to eat the world. I can't wait to start my life, meet new people, try new things, scream my lungs out in concerts, run around naked at dawn, laugh like a crazy person and just enjoying life. Because we only have one chance, and I intend to do everything and anything I can, so I can go with a wide smile on my face. And I am forever grateful to have the friends and family I have, because you guys rock my world.
3 comentarios:
and i'll be right there with you, baby
you better :D
Happy new year :)
No, I figured it out, sorry to disappoint you! A few blog posts and recently uploaded photos gave it away :P And now I'm fairly sure I DO remember you, from our briefest of brief encounters.
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